All the wood we process into logs is grown within the South Hams, some from managed Forests and our own Forest management thinnings.
Woodleigh Wood are able to supply you with exactly the firewood you require, whether you have an open fire, multifuel burner or a woodburner.
Our split logs are available in 8", 10", 12" and large 20" Biomass logs.
Around 98% of our customers now buy a 50% Softwood / Hardwood log mix, finding that having 1/2 Softwood slightly reduces the cost of the load in addition to being easier lighting.
Softwood initially raises room temperature quicker on starting the fire and also if the fire has been forgotten and dies down, adding a few softwood logs rapidly brings the fire back to life.
Hardwood can take up to 5 times as long to grow as Softwood, so for the planet's sake always order 50 /50 Firewood ; also fewer commercial Forestry companies are investing in re-planting hardwoods, so we should all bear this in mind and order a 50 / 50 mixture of soft and hardwood.
Our HARDWOOD is generally a mix of Ash, Beech and Oak, with some other excellent burning species such as Birch and Sycamore. However there is a lot of misleading information published about good and bad species to burn.
Most timber species burn well if it is correctly seasoned.
Our SOFTWOOD is almost exclusively Larch and Douglas, which are recognised as being 2 of the best Softwoods to burn and great to start your fire with.
Those of you have well ventilated outside storage, why not take this opportunity to save on your wood-fuel heating costs by buying part - seasoned firewood and complete the drying process yourself.
Information on correctly storing your Firewood and HOW TO DRY : PART - SEASONED FIREWOOD - please read
6/ A low cost moisture meter can help you assess when your firewood is ready to burn - 20% or below is good.
7/ Buy Part seasoned before the end of June at the very latest.
Most customers follow our advice and are gratefull - the minority who do not generally have regrets.
Please look after your Firewood.
Every time you order from us, we will deliver to you consistent quality split logs.
Should you have any queries regarding Firewood, storage or to order some logs - Please give us a call.
Woodleigh Wood - Your Local Fuel wood Supplier:
Professional - Reliable - Consistent
You may have seen the headline -
Wood burners : Most polluting fuels to be banned in the home
NO NEED TO PANIC - as Woodleigh Wood have always supplied 'Ready to burn' Firewood that complies with the latest legislation coming into force, which controls what Firewood is legally allowed to be sold in quantities of 1m3 and below as 'Ready to burn'.
In addition we will still be able to offer you our Part - seasoned Firewood to buy in bulk that we have been selling for many years, which allows you to save considerably on cost by finishing off seasoning the firewood yourself in your own woodstore.
(Comprehensive drying advice is given on this Website - just click on the FIREWOOD tab at top of this page).
ALSO - We can still sell our excellent Dry Seasoned Firewood that we have been selling for many years - provided it is in 2m3 quantities or above when the Legislation is compulsory for us from May 2022.
They have increased their storage and are buying Part seasoned in 2m3 quantities and when they run out buy our dry seasoned in 2m3 quantities that they have been buying for years.
You can buy the 'Ready to burn' but it is more expensive.
Please send us an email if you would like to be added to our 'Special Offer email list' to hear about the 2 or 3 special offers we have each year. ( Most existing customers will already be on the list).
Our aim at Woodleigh Wood is to try to minimise the effect the ongoing increasing timber prices has on the prices we charge you for our firewood.
We are encouraging our Firewood customers to increase their storage capacity, which will help you and us.
Additional storage allows you to buy and store our lower priced Part – seasoned firewood in the Spring and make additional substantial cost savings by buying in bulk at Special Offer prices.
E.g. Buying 2m3 of Part - seasoned 50/50 on Special Offer is a lot less than buying Dry seasoned in Autumn - So it's definately worth extending or building a larger Firewood store.
Firewood is sold by the 'Industry Standard' - 'Loose m3 ' and the Firewood therefore reduces substantially when neatly stacked. Please be aware of this before you order Firewood from us.
1m3 of firewood takes up approximately 0.6 m3 when neatly stacked, so 2m3 takes up approximately 1.2 m3, 3m3 takes up approximately 1.8m3, and 4m3 takes up approximately 2.4 m3.
Lots of you are now building narrow wall storage against garage walls etc. - 20” wide that take 2 rows of 10” logs with sturdy shelves. These take minimum floor space and allow for storage of several m3 of Part – seasoned firewood to finish seasoning yourself.
A wall storage 3ft long x 5ft high x 20” wide will store 1m3 of 10” stacked firewood. So a 8ft long store will hold approximately 3m3. All then store needs is a sloping roof and not face due South West to avoid rain driving in. Best outside but towards the front of a garage can work.
The Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards) (England) Regulations 2020 - made on the 9th October 2020 - Require that we supply the following statement that applies to wood that has - 'Not been seasoned ':
"This wood is not suitable for burning until it has been dried. You should not burn wood until it has a moisture content (mc) of 20% or less.
Wet wood contains moisture which creates smoke and harmful particulates when burnt. As well as being harmful to your health and the environment, this can damage your stove and chimney and is an inefficient way to heat your home. Dry it in a sunny, well-aired space for at least two years, keeping rain off in the winter.
Radial cracks and bark that comes off easily suggests wood that is ready for burning. Test the wood when you think it is ready for burning, ideally with a moisture meter. First calibrate the meter and then measure a freshly split surface to get the best reading. "
Note: Moisture meters available measure on a 'Dry basis' so if you test a log and the reading is 25%, this means that the log is at 20%.
We sell 'Part seasoned firewood' that will of course not take 2 years to season. If you follow our guidance on storage it will finish seasoning very quickly during the Summer months - you just need to have forward planning and buy before June at the very latest.
The legislation that came into force in MAY 2022 still allows you to buy 2m3 of our Part - seasoned Firewood to finish drying in your own woodstore.
which GENERALLY IS 17 - 25 % MC that all our customers have been
buying for years.
We are required to tell you to read the same statement above from the Regulations in relation to dry seasoned firewood as well.
The idea of printing off a hard paper copy of the statement above and giving it to every customer each and every time we deliver part or dry seasoned firewood, kind of defeats the object of caring for the planet.
We will have some copies as required in the vehicle, which will be offered to you and for those who do not have access to our Website.
So please help us to keep firewood prices down - Buy Part - seasoned Firewood now in quanties of 2m3 and above, increase the size of your storage, store more and save money.
We are a local family business situated right here near Woodleigh in the heart of the South Hams.
Employing local people, processing local timber and providing a service for the local community keeping everyone warm in winter.
Many people rely on us 100%, as a woodburner is often their only form of heating.
We in turn support the local economy by using other local businesses and services in the course of running our business and living our lives here.
Locally grown timber from Woodland thinnings - a sustainable and renewable fuel.